
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 36

Let the countdown begin...

Everyone at work has be asking me, "how many more days?, how many more weeks?" I've been answering with, "I don't know, I'm not counting."

Well, now I think it's ok that i start counting. I didn't want to be counting down the days when there were so many still left to go; but now that we are into the last month until the due date I'll allow myself some increased anticipation.

This past Monday we had our first of the weekly OB appointments. I was told that I was a "finger tip" dilated. I had to bring myself back to reality because that is only between 0-1cm dilated. I potentially could be that way for another few weeks... But I still can't help to get excited with the little bit of change that was noticed.
I was told by the OB, "just try and keep him in there for another week and a half so he's full term."

10/28/11 We have plans to attend Chase and Dani's wedding. Nick is one of the groomsmen. I want to go. So anytime after Friday, I am ready for baby to arrive :-)   (I know, I is what it is, and what is meant to be will be)

So, since my appointment on Monday, I have been having more pelvic pressure, more braxton hicks contractions, AND I am running to the bathroom what seems like every 30 minutes. I also have been having weird shooting sensations of numbness that starts in my groin and runs down to my knee, lasting 30-60 seconds. (either left or right side, but not yet both at the same time).

Wednesday is or next OB appointment and marks 37 weeks.

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