
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Baby's First Picture

Our first ultrasound was on Friday. After work, I drove home to pick up the hubby. Although he was only running on two and a half hours of sleep, he was excited to go.

The ultrasound took a total of about 45 minutes. The tech was able to point out a few different things: the yolk sac, the baby (which at this point looks like a little line on the ultrasound) and the heart beat! Our dates match up almost exactly with our progress/ measurements that were taken (6 1/2 weeks). The heart beat was so noticeable. The tech was able to calculate the rate: 126 beats per minute.

This is still unreal to me. Pinch me, and maybe i'll wake up?

We asked the tech if we could take home a picture, even though there may  not be too much to see: here's what we got :-)


  1. Gorgeous already - of course!
    BH (Baby Hinman)does not have a choice what with parents like U2:)LN

  2. Yay!! I'm tearing up again! I need to get my act together. ha ha. So so happy for you and Nick!
