
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Labor and Delivery

I finished out my work week (week of 11/16/11), since there was no progress, and no reason for me to start my leave just yet. I had decided to start my leave officially on monday 11/21. Even if I was going to be induced, it would only be 3 days with out baby and I could attempt to relax, with Nick, since he started his leave on 11/14/11.

On Monday morning, I woke up as usual for my day and got ready for our non-stress test appointment at 11am. I felt a little crampy. It came and went through out the morning.

By the time I was at my appointment (in the hospital right down the hall from the birthing unit), the cramps were becoming a little more regulated and intense.

We stopped at Subway for take out on the way home. I couldn't go inside to order my usual, so Nick did. When I felt the cramps/contractions it made me want to stop what I was doing, and concentrate on the relief at the end of each one.

Once I finished my lunch, Nick started timing the contractions. From noon until 2:45pm when I finally decided to contact the doctor (with some coaxing from Nick and a friend), I paced the living room and the dining room to walk through the pain. They were 5-6 minutes apart and becoming pretty painful.

Arrived back to the hospital around 3:30pm; got set up in the delivery room, IV was started,blood was drawn. I was 3cm dilated. The nurse doing the intake and asking me questions was very patient and supportive. I felt bad, she had to wait after almost every health history question she asked because I could not answer her until the contraction had ended. By that point, they were 2-3 minutes apart.

YES, I did get an epidural. At that point, I wasn't afraid of the needle anymore. I just wanted to be comfortable, especially if I was only 3 cm and had 7 more cm to go before pushing. It was such a relief. When the medication took effect, it felt as if nothing was happening and I was just relaxing and chatting with Nick and the nurse in the room. We could have had a tea party.

Fast forward a little:

My mom arrived at the hospital at 6:30pm.
I was 6 cm dilated around 8pm.
I was 8 cm dilated at 10pm.
I was 10 cm dilated at midnight, and was instructed to start pushing with each contraction I felt to help move baby down the birth canal.
I pushed for 1 1/2 hours, until it was actually time to push Baby Hinman into this world.
My OB returned to the room, and with his assistance and an additional 20 minutes of hard pushing,

Tyler Lewis Hinman blessed us with his presence.
7 pounds 1 ounce, 20 inches long. Born at 1:54 AM on 11/22/11.

We were discharged on Thanksgiving day. We are very thankful.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I was hoping you'd write this one! :)

  2. Wow! IN that last picture you can definitely tell you've dropped! Very cool!

  3. Oops - meant to post that on the other entry where you posted week 39 and 40....blogger is a pain sometimes!!
