
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Labor and Delivery

I finished out my work week (week of 11/16/11), since there was no progress, and no reason for me to start my leave just yet. I had decided to start my leave officially on monday 11/21. Even if I was going to be induced, it would only be 3 days with out baby and I could attempt to relax, with Nick, since he started his leave on 11/14/11.

On Monday morning, I woke up as usual for my day and got ready for our non-stress test appointment at 11am. I felt a little crampy. It came and went through out the morning.

By the time I was at my appointment (in the hospital right down the hall from the birthing unit), the cramps were becoming a little more regulated and intense.

We stopped at Subway for take out on the way home. I couldn't go inside to order my usual, so Nick did. When I felt the cramps/contractions it made me want to stop what I was doing, and concentrate on the relief at the end of each one.

Once I finished my lunch, Nick started timing the contractions. From noon until 2:45pm when I finally decided to contact the doctor (with some coaxing from Nick and a friend), I paced the living room and the dining room to walk through the pain. They were 5-6 minutes apart and becoming pretty painful.

Arrived back to the hospital around 3:30pm; got set up in the delivery room, IV was started,blood was drawn. I was 3cm dilated. The nurse doing the intake and asking me questions was very patient and supportive. I felt bad, she had to wait after almost every health history question she asked because I could not answer her until the contraction had ended. By that point, they were 2-3 minutes apart.

YES, I did get an epidural. At that point, I wasn't afraid of the needle anymore. I just wanted to be comfortable, especially if I was only 3 cm and had 7 more cm to go before pushing. It was such a relief. When the medication took effect, it felt as if nothing was happening and I was just relaxing and chatting with Nick and the nurse in the room. We could have had a tea party.

Fast forward a little:

My mom arrived at the hospital at 6:30pm.
I was 6 cm dilated around 8pm.
I was 8 cm dilated at 10pm.
I was 10 cm dilated at midnight, and was instructed to start pushing with each contraction I felt to help move baby down the birth canal.
I pushed for 1 1/2 hours, until it was actually time to push Baby Hinman into this world.
My OB returned to the room, and with his assistance and an additional 20 minutes of hard pushing,

Tyler Lewis Hinman blessed us with his presence.
7 pounds 1 ounce, 20 inches long. Born at 1:54 AM on 11/22/11.

We were discharged on Thanksgiving day. We are very thankful.

Late Entry: Baby Bump Series Week 39 & 40

Better late than never.

OB appointments week 39 and 40, still showed no changes on exam. I have to admit, I was pretty upset to hear that it could be potentially another week after week 40 that we meet our baby boy. Even though the OB stated, "really, it could happen any day now. You may end up coming back to the hospital tonight."

We were scheduled for induction on Thanksgiving afternoon, if baby did not arrive by then. With the anticipation of a planned induction, we also were scheduled for a non-stress test on Monday 11/21, to ensure baby was doing well. Of course, every day, I was attempting to 'will him out.'  :-)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 37 & 38

We're getting down to the wire. I can ALMOST see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Last week's OB appointment (week 37) was a little disappointing, since I was told there was "no change" since the previous week's appointment.

Since then, I've been feeling more crampy and having more contractions, although they never amount to any pattern that would warrant a phone call to the OB.
I've been keeping busy at work and at home. Nick, Brasky and I even went for a mile walk this weekend, hoping it would jump start some progress.

Today's OB appointment went a little better. Am now between 1 and 2 cm dilated. Next OB appointment is scheduled for next Tuesday, but I am hoping that baby Hinman does not wait that long. Let's shoot for 11-11-11.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 36

Let the countdown begin...

Everyone at work has be asking me, "how many more days?, how many more weeks?" I've been answering with, "I don't know, I'm not counting."

Well, now I think it's ok that i start counting. I didn't want to be counting down the days when there were so many still left to go; but now that we are into the last month until the due date I'll allow myself some increased anticipation.

This past Monday we had our first of the weekly OB appointments. I was told that I was a "finger tip" dilated. I had to bring myself back to reality because that is only between 0-1cm dilated. I potentially could be that way for another few weeks... But I still can't help to get excited with the little bit of change that was noticed.
I was told by the OB, "just try and keep him in there for another week and a half so he's full term."

10/28/11 We have plans to attend Chase and Dani's wedding. Nick is one of the groomsmen. I want to go. So anytime after Friday, I am ready for baby to arrive :-)   (I know, I is what it is, and what is meant to be will be)

So, since my appointment on Monday, I have been having more pelvic pressure, more braxton hicks contractions, AND I am running to the bathroom what seems like every 30 minutes. I also have been having weird shooting sensations of numbness that starts in my groin and runs down to my knee, lasting 30-60 seconds. (either left or right side, but not yet both at the same time).

Wednesday is or next OB appointment and marks 37 weeks.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 34 & 35

We're down to the home stretch. Hard to believe that about 4 weeks from now, we will be holding our baby boy.

Material/supply wise; we are prepared. The house is ready, the baby room is ready. All clothes, blankets, etc have been washed and folded and given a home.

Mentally, Nick is ready. I am ready for the 'after hospital' experience. It is the laboring and delivery that I can't seem to get passed at the moment. It's the fear of the unknown, I guess, of the labor. I'd really like to go without an epidural. I'm well aware that I may change my mind, but at the moment, my fear of the needle in my back is greater than my fear of the laboring pain.

Over the past week, week 35, I've been experiencing an increased sensation of pelvic pressure. My hips are sore. My thighs are sore. I've also been having an increased amount of Braxton Hicks contractions. Once I find a comfortable position in bed with my body pillow, sleep is pretty good. Rolling from side to side can cause some discomfort. I can tell that baby Hinman has very little room to move around at this point.

This Monday starts our first of the weekly OB appointments.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Baby Shower 9.25.11

Thank you everyone for making it such a fun and memorable day! Your time and thoughts are appreciated!

(please excuse the teeny video. i couldnt seem to make it bigger, so i gave up )
-click on the lower right side for full screen viewing.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 31, 32 & 33

The past three weeks have been rather busy... as you can see I'm a week behind on my blog posts.

Here's what we've been up to:
-Started and completed our 3 week course of birthing classes
-Took a trip to the Poconos to visit some family one last time before baby arrives
-Washing, folding, and re-organizing baby clothes, drawers and the closet
-A girl's weekend with some friends that ultimately led to my surprise baby shower :-) --pics to come

I'd like to say that I still feel rather energetic. Some days are more easily tiring than others, but we all experience that regardless of pregnancy.

This past Thursday, I had two meetings in center city, so I took the train out and spent the whole day there, doing some walking around and met my sister for lunch. By the time I got home I felt like I had walked a marathon and my ankles were a little puffy.

Baby Hinman continues to be quite active, although some of his acrobatics have slowed down. He must be running out of room. It's funny, sometimes I try to get him to move if he's been still for a while. I try to bounce him or nudge him, yet he doesn't respond as well as he does to Nick. All Nick has to do is simply place his hand on my belly and say baby's name and there is immediate response.

*My most recent tactic to get him to move: while relaxing on the couch I'll place my cold bowl of ice cream on my belly (now used as a lap tray)= instant movement.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Somebody Pinch Me Please...

Last Saturday, 9.10.11, Nick and I went to the Incubus concert in Camden, NJ. We bought the tickets several months ago. We got seat tickets, since we knew that the pit probably wouldn't be a good idea for a pregnant lady, especially at 7 1/2 months.

This was the fourth time I've seen them in concert, and the fifth for Nick. This day/concert will be a story we can talk about for the rest of our lives: The day Nick surprised me with back stage passes to meet the band and get autographs. Honestly, a dream come true...for the both of us.

Nick had contacted one of the local radio stations that he listens to, schmoozed them, and got the passes...I'm sorry, (but really not sorry), that I continue to toot the horn of how wonderful my husband is :-)

Baby Hinman even gets a piece of this memory, a signed onesie.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 29 & 30

Unfortunately, the past two weeks of birthing classes were cancelled. So our first day of class with be on Tuesday....hopefully.

Been experiencing a lot of braxton hicks contractions. They're not painful and don't last long; it just feels really weird when my entire belly is as hard as a rock. I am staying well hydrated though, as 'nature calls' ALL the time.

Baby Hinman continues to do summersalts and other Olympic movements on a daily basis. As much as it may keep me up at night, or distracted during the day, the feeling of reassurance is nice. I am also finding that rolling out of bed or off the couch is much more comfortable then attempting to bend where I no longer can.

Monday, September 5, 2011

1st Wedding Anniversary

Hard to believe that a year ago today, Nick and I were getting ready in separate rooms with our bridal party, preparing to walk down the isle in front of friends and family, to dedicate ourselves to each other in marriage.
Today, we spent time looking back on that day, and talking about how amazing it truly was.

This morning, Nick and I both worked together to prepare our Anniversary dinner. It was nice to have him in the kitchen for more than five minutes <wink>.

We made crock pot Beef Carbonnade. While waiting for it to cook, we looked through our wedding albums and watched our wedding DVD. (It's funny how you pick out things that you didn't notice the last time we watched it...for instance- siren going off in the middle of the ceremony. We definitely don't remember that.)

Yes, today we spent the whole day at home. Nothing extravagant, just a relaxing day with each other.

I have to say, I was also very impressed with the top of our wedding cake. It preserved so well. It made it through the 3 hour journey from Williamsport to our new home; it did not freezer burn; and as it thawed, the butter-cream frosting scented the kitchen. Yeah, the cake was a little dry, but all in all, a good evening dessert.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Surprise by Air Mail

Received a beautiful blue package in the mail this week from one of my good friends Chelsa (one of our bridesmaids, and my roommate from college).

Inside, I found a cute little note, and these:

Instructions: Hold feet with one hand so legs are at a 90 degree angle and place Pee-pee Teepee on wee wee during diaper changes.

I LOVE these and can't wait to try them out! Thanks roomie for this awesome surprise in my mailbox!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 27 & 28

Baby Hinman is getting stronger. Still kicking my right hip and lower ribs; sometimes taking my breath away for a split second. Last week (week 27), for a couple days straight, I experienced what felt like a side stitch (the feeling of sore cramping in the lower side of the abdomen like you ran a little too soon after eating).

The Nurse Practitioner had told me that he's pressing on one of the uterine muscles. She stated, "I wish I could tell you it's going to get better..." Ha ha. I'm just ready to roll with the punches.

I have to keep a strong frame of mind because the plan is NOT to get an epidural.

Had my glucose screening last week. Long story short, I failed it; but I passed the 3 hour glucose tolerance with flying colors. No gestational diabetes here :-)

Last weekend, while Nick was away to OC, MD for his best friend's bachelor party, I attended the bridal shower. What a beautiful day to be outside. Great decorations, great food, good conversations, and a very happy bride to be :-)

Week 28; a transition into the final trimester. It feels like it's going to go by slow, yet quick at the same time. My OB appointments are now every 2 weeks until I hit 36 weeks, then it will be every week. With every day that passes, I feel more confident with what is yet to come, the birth of my child.

It makes me even more excited when I see nick's face light up when he looks at me. The other day he said to me with a huge glowing smile, "You are so beautiful. I love your baby belly. I love seeing it get bigger because I know my boy is growing."-- just when I start to feel "BIG", he makes it disappear.

Next week we begin birthing classes.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Filling an Empty Space

Ever since we've moved into our house, there's been one spot in particular that I did not know what to do with. Next to the fireplace was a big empty wall. Should I fill it with pictures, get a book shelf, etc? Nothing seemed to even out the wall when looking at the whole thing. (I like things to be even/balanced).

My solution: A wall decal.
Easily applied, lasts years, and can be removed at any time.

Baby Bump Series: Week 25 & 26

Baby Hinman is definitely growing bigger. He has recently starting kicking my right hip bone and my lower ribs. It's not painful, but most assuredly an awkward feeling.

Even if he is not poking my ribs, i can tell when he's in that location, because tiny little bumps will protrude from the upper portion of my belly bump. They only last a few seconds; never long enough for me to touch them and try and feel what it is.

Last weekend we made a trip to Lancaster and met Nicks parents for lunch; proud grandparents-to-be :-)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 23 & 24

 Over the past two weeks I've been gaining quite the appetite. Besides the normal breakfast lunch and dinner, I can't seem to make it more than a an hour or two after a meal before feeling like I haven't even eaten all day. Been doing my best to eat healthy snacks in between meals.

At the beginning of week 23, I had a quick visit at the OB for some lower abdominal discomfort that wasn't going away. Long story short, after some routine tests and an ultrasound, it was determined that every thing is fine. My lower abdominal muscles are just sore from the stretching they have never experienced before. The ultrasound tech was generous and gave us a couple more 4D pictures to take home :-)

Its amazing the change I can see from the week 20 ultrasound. Baby boy Hinman looks like his face is already starting to fill out.

This weekend, we put together the changing table/dresser. I am so excited that the end result is near.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 21 & 22

Not much longer till we enter the third trimester.

Bending over is still possible, but for a very short period of time only. Baby boy Hinman continues to party, and his movements continue to become stronger and more noticeable. Nick had his head on my belly the other day and got jabbed in the face. :-)
I've noticed some heartburn, but nothing intolerable.

Last week Nick and I were updating one of our registries and nick spied this awesome buy! Of course we got it. So appropriate.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Baby Bump Series: Week 19 & 20

Hard to believe that we're already half way through the pregnancy. It feels like the time has gone by fast. On the other hand, I don't think that the second half will go by fast enough. I don't mean to rush the next few months, but I'm ready for November to be here so we can hold our little boy....the one who insists on having huge dance parties inside my uterus every night :-)

June 27th was our 20 week ultrasound. We were told that everything looks good, and Baby Boy Hinman is at the proper measurements. We counted all fingers and toes, and were even able to look at a 3D version of his face. So amazing, the technology....and of course his face :-)